
I debated what to blog next. It’s been a few days since I shared a recipe, but it’s only 36 hours till Open 17.1 is released and many might be carb loading – not my usual food choice. Yes, the open is knocking at the door, so motivational blog? And then this came across my wall and it summed up everything that I’ve seen in the world lately.

Broken?! We joke about being broken in our gym all the time.
There’s the athlete that has to take a few days off because of an recent injury or re-infliction takes them out. BROKEN? There’s the workout that takes you down to exhaustion – you know the one that “broke you”. BROKEN? There’s that plague that is going around Chicago for the last month and a half that makes you want to crawl back in bed. BROKEN? There’s the stressed out times in life when a situation or demands just seem overwhelming. When life has piled on more than one person should possibly have to hold and it breaks them. Pushed to the point that a person almost snaps. BROKEN!
Bottom line it takes all the pieces working together, mentally and physically to make the amazing machine we call our body work to it’s full potential.
As we approach the start of the Open, peak performance will be determined by not only being physically, but also mentally, ready to take on the world. Not everyone is participating in the Open, but I can’t stress enough – Life is the Open! Everyone is participating in that! One of our senior athletes recently mentioned how much more energy they have since they started coming regularly – no need for a daily nap! Another younger client mentioned how much more efficient she seems to be at work when she regularly gets into the gym. Scientifically it has been proven that exercise will lower depression and lower anxiety levels. We all know how that weekend eating rampage makes us feel like a sloth come Monday.
So, I challenge you BROKEN people – channel those monkeys sitting on your backs – whether it be Open’s 17.1 or the project that’s due. Don’t see these bumps in the road as blockades, see them as an opportunity to grow. Use them to get stronger, be stronger, and smile because the healing process feels good.
Eat well / sleep lots / and GOOD LUCK in Life’s Open!
May the odds be ever in our favor as 17.1 is released tomorrow!

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